Friday 28 February 2014


In India one of the most prominent religion is Islam form about 12%  of  India's population. India's contact with Islam had begun much earlier. The main real push came in 18th century when province of Sindh was conquered. The population of Muslims form only 12 % of India population but the influence of Islam on Indian society is stronger. The main reasons for strong influence is that over a long period of time many Muslims rulers ruled in different parts of India. The largest population of Muslims in Indonesia country and followers of Islamic religion. Muslims constitute India's largest religious minority. They number about 105 million. because of this India is one of the largest Islamic nation in the world. India has had 2 Muslim president and several Cabinet and state chief ministers since Independence. In India Muslim have always responsible positions and post in all walks of life and all flied. In India Muslims are divided into 2 main sects
This 2 sect has many different schools in different city. along with this 2 sect, In India Muslims also have other division. It is because different communities that adopted Islam have different names.The Bohra and Khoja Muslim communities are from west India.
In south India in the state Kerala, the famous Mopillah community is said to have from Arab Merchants. Another well known Indian Muslim community is Pathan. The Pathans are Muslims who arrived from Afghanistan to India. The Pathan put their Surname as Khan. They are very brave, honest and righteous.
                                                                                                              -Kripen mehta


Bhagwan Padmaprabhu was 6th Tirthankar of present age and born in Kaushambi, on 12 day of dark half of the month. Father name was King Dhar and Mother name was Susima. Agter lonf time span in life he took diksha on 13th day of dark half of te month with 1000 men's. After span 6 month of diksha Lord Pandmaprabhu attained kevalgyan on the full moon 15 day of the month. Bhagwan Pradmaprabhu lived 30 lakh purv and height of the Bhagwan Pradmaprabhu was 250 measure of blow.  Maharaj Aparajit ruled over Susima town in the Purvavideh area. H was a simple person. He got detached after listening to the discourse of an Arhat and took Diksha from Acharya Pihitashrava. As a result of long practices he earned Tirthankar nama gotra karma. When the Bhagwan Pradmaprabhu was born he look like lotus flowers. So, the king named him as Padmaprabhu.                                                                          -Kripen mehta


Bhagwan Sumatinath was 5th Tirthankar of present age and born in Koshalpur in Ayodhya. Father nme was King Megh and Mother name was Mangalavti Devi. After long time span in life he took diksha on 9th day of brigth half of the month along with 1000 men's. After span 20 year life of diksha Lord Sumatinath attained kevalgyan. On 9th day of brigth half of the month Bhagwan Sumatinath, along with other 1000 was attained nirvana. Bhagwan Sumatinath lived 40 lakh purv and height of Bhagwan Sumatinath was 300 measure of bow. In his last life Vijayasen was the king of Shankhpur town in the Purva Mahavideh area. He had son named Purushasimha. From vijayant dimension, the soul that was Purushasimha descended into the womb of queen Mangalavati, wife of king Megh of Ayodhya. The new of the queen being pregant made the atmosphere of Ayodhya live with happiness and joy.         -Kripen mehta                                                    


Bhagwan Abhinandan was 4th Tirthankar of present age  and born in Ayodhya, on 2 day of the bright half of the month of Megh, around midnight. Father name was Samvar and Mother name was Siddharth. After long time, he took diksha on 12th day of bright half of the month with 1000 ascetics mens. After passing 18 year of diksha he attained
(kevalgyan) on fourteenth day of bright half of the month. On the eighth day of brigth half of the month Bhagwan Abhinandan, along with his 1000 saints was attained nirvana on Sammet Shikhar (maontain). It is believed that hieght of Bhagwab Abhinandan was 350 measure of bow. In his previous life Lord Abhinandan was Mahabal, the king of Ratnasanchav town in Mahavideh Kshetra. although a king, but he was a simple peson. When someone pay gor him he would say, "you are my true well-wisher and a friend who helps my progress by poiting out my faults." Due to his simplicity he became a very popular Sharman in his group. As Abhinandan Kumar grew up, he was married with so many princesses of different regions. He walk with them along  and he say, " This is atrap in which I am leading my life. How will I come out of ir?".
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Thursday 27 February 2014


Sambhavanath was third jain Tirthankar of present age. According to jain beliefs, he became a siddha. Sambhavnath was born to King Jitari Raja and Queen Rani at Sravasthi in the Lkshvaku. His birth date was fourteenth day of the Margshrsha shukla month of the Indian calendar. From the Anat dimension, the begin that was Vipulvahan descended into the womb of queen sena devi, wife of king Jitari of Shravasti. While this begin was still in the mother's womb there were sufficient rains and from their roof top, the king said,"My dear! This time even the waste land is filled with grain crop. It seems that all this that your womb. W shall call our son Sambhav." On the fourtheenth day of the bright half of the month of Margshrish, thw queen gave birth to a healthly son and he was ceremoniously named Sambhav Kumar. The little prince grew up in royal comfort but he hardly ever took more than cursory intrest in the luxurious life style. At the appropriate age Sambhav Kumar was married and crowned. After a long and paceful year period of spiritual practices, he attained omniscience Arhat Sambhabnath gave his first discourse on the ephemeral nature of the mundane existence. For a long period he worked for the apread of religion. He attained Nirvana on the 5 day of the bright half of the month of Chaitra.                                                                                            -Kripen mehta



Ajitnath was second Tirthankar of the present age. According to jain beliefs, he became a siddha.The soul that became Ajitanatha, in its earlier incarnation, was the great King Vimalvahan of Susima city in Mahavideh area. He led a pious life in spite of the available princely. At an appropriate time, he became an ascetic under Arindam suri. Ajitnatha was born to King Jitashatru Raja and Queen Vijaya at Ayodhya in the Lkshvaku clan.During the Queen's pregnancy, the influence of king Jistshatru was enhanced to such an ectant even the enemy kingdoms sought and negotiated friendly treaties with him. It became a common practice to say, "King Jitshatru is invincible(Ajit)." The queen gave birth to a son on the eighth day of the bright half of the month of magh. Inspired by the popular lore, the king named the new born as the ajit. The same night Vaijayanti also gave birth to a son who was named Sagar. Ajit Kumar became an ascetic in his youth and want into remote and dense forests for his meditation and penance. His personality and the intensity of his lofty practices cast a pacifying influence all around. Natural enemies in the animal kingdom, like the lion and cow, wolf and deer, snake and mongoose used to come and sit around him pacefully. King Sagar, during this period, conquered the six containents and became Chakravartin. The 2nd jain Tirthankar Ajithnatha, was born in Ayodhya. The Yajuveda mentions the name of Ajitnatha..

                                                                                                     -kripen mehta


Rushabha is the 1sth Tirthanakr of jainism and also known as Adinatha. also the traditional founder of jainism. According to the legends, he belonged to the lkshvaku dynasty of ancient Ayodhya. Rushabha is also known as Rikhava and is sometimes called Rishabha of Kosala.
Rushabah as born toking Nabhi Raja and Queen Marudevi at Ayodhya in the Ikshvaku clan.
 According to jain beliefs, Rushabha existed before civilization developed. He taught people agriculture , tending of animals, cooking, and more. He had 101 son. His eldest son-Bharat was a chakravrti king. In the later part od his life he retired to become a monk and attained moksha. Because he become a siddha. India was named Bharata-varsha or Bharata after him. His second son was Bahubali whose status at Shravanabelagola, Karnataka as well as at Karkala.Marudevi mother of Adinath was the first person to achieve liberation.  Rushabha grandson later become Mahavira. Rishabha attained moksha at Ashtaapad mountain in Himalayas. Rushabha is mentioned in the Hindu text of the Bhagavata purana as an avatar of Vishnu. He is mentioned in all the Vaishnava, as well as in some other texts.According to the Bhagavata, he was born to show the people of this world the path of salvation.H is the founder of sramanic culture. In the depth study of the yedas and puranas, which contain numerous reference to Rushabha. In his previous incaranation, Lord Rushabha dev was in the mahavideh shetra as Dhannaseth. He was big business man. He offered alms and services to many ascetics and others. Later he completed 7 births as dev and medicine for pandu rog(a dreades skin disease). In his 11th incarnation he was born as Chakravarti king Vairanabh. H had supportd poor people. After many year of public services he earned Tirthankar name and gotra karma. Rushabha Kumar was married to a grl named sunanda whose twin died in an accident. This was the beginning  of the marriage life. Prince Rushabha led a happy married life. IN dua course Sumangala gave birth to Bharat, Brabmi and ninety eight other sons.

Famous temples dedicated to Lord Rushabha dev

  1. Adishwar Temple, Palitana, Gujarat
  2. Adishwar Temple,Ranakpur, Rajasthan
  3. Adishwar Temple,Bhavnagar, Gujarat,
                                                                                                           -Kripen mehta

Wednesday 26 February 2014


Shramana Bhagwan Mahaveer was the last Tirthankar in the Avasarpini phase.Bhagwan Mahaveer was born in the royal family in Monday the 13th day of the Shukla -the bright fortnight of Chaitra according to the Indian Calendar that is on the 30th of March 599 B. C.
 He was born as Vardhman Kumar to King Siddhartha and Queen Trishala. When he was 30 years of age, he renounced his worldly life and assumed the life of Sädhanä or spiritual endeavour on Mondav the 10th day of Krishna Paksha the black fortnight of Kartik according to the Indian Calendar that is on 19th December 569 B.C. He performed a severe and austere penance for twelve and a half years and then on Sunday, the 10th day of Shukla of Vaishäkh that is 13th April 558 B.C., he attained Kevaljnan or absolute enlightenment. He preached his first message on the 11th day of Shukla Paksha of Vaishakh and showed the multidimensional path for the attainment of selfpurification and selfperfection. The same path shown by him is followed today. On Tuesday, the new Moon day in Kartik, i.e , on the 15th October 528 B.C. Lord Mahavir attained salvation, Moksha and his life ended with his attainment of absolute deliverance.
Lord Mahavira is often credited with the advent of jainism in india.Howevr,  jainism existed even before Lord Mahaveer was born.He is suppoed to be the twenty-four Tirthankar according to the jain philosophy.A Tirthankar is an enlightened soul who is bornas ahuman being and attains perfection through intense meditation.gor a jain,Lord Mahaveer is no less than god and this philosophy is like the Bible.Born as vardhamana Mahaveer,he latr to be known as Bhagwan Mahaveer.
For twelve year, he deeply meditated in order to overcome his desires and cravings. He succeeded in going without food for days together.he was bitten by a deadly snake still he did not develop and kind of hatred for the snake and kept meditating.after twelve yea,he attained divine knowledge and self-realization. His perception about everything was crystal clear nd he paved the ay for spiritual for future monks.The attainment of this spiritual knowledge was known as keval-jnana.
When Vardhman Mahavir was 28. his parents he was free to leave the palace,bt his brother nandivardhan asked hin not to leave suddenly ans requested to stay with hm for some more respect elder brother Nandivardhan, Vardhman Mahaveer decided to stay with Nandivardhan until the age of 30. in those two year. Vardhman Mahaveer practiced self-discipline and practiced almost an ascetic's life.
For Vardhman Mahaveer the final gol od life for everybody was to reach nirvana(Moksh)  or salvation. Nirvana was nothing but braking the cycle of birth, life and death. Vardhman Nrahaveer attained nirvana at the dawn of a no moon day at pavapuri in Bihar when he was 72 year old(527B.C.). On the same day, his chief disciple Indrabhuti Goutam attained Keval Gyan,i.e. omniscience or ultimate knowledge.
The news of Varhman Mahaveer's nirvan spread all over and chieftains of 14 kingdoms gathered at Pavapuri. They took part in the funeral of Vardhman Mahaveer, as this was not an occasion of sorrow of joy as now Vardhman Mahaveer was free from birth and death. the kings decided to celebrate this day every year as a jain festival of lights.which is celebrated even today in all over india.
                                                                                                            -kripen mehta

Tuesday 25 February 2014


Vijayvallabhsurisvarji On February 3rd 1914, with auspicious blessings and visionary inspirations from Acharya Shri Vijayvallabhsurisvarji, a center for Jain education was established in Mumbai. On that day, the foundation stone of the Vidyalaya was laid by respected Sheth Devkaran Mulji. In the memorable ceremony surrounding the founding of the institution, Sheth Govindji Madhavji donated 292 grams(26 tolas) of gold for the foundation of the Vidyalaya building. Hundreds of Jains at the time foundation ceremony put silver coins in the foundation.
The Vidyalaya started with 15 students in 1915 and it has grown into eleven branches serving more than 1740 Jain students ( Boys and Girls ). Currently all the Vidyalaya branches are located in state of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. A new Vidyalaya Branch is opened in the city of Udaipur, Rajasthan.
SMJV - Shri Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya

SMJV's mission is to promote education among Jains in India. MJV currently operates 11 branches in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Rajasthan, serving more than 1740 students every year. Each vidyalaya provides lodging and boarding facilities at a subsidized rate to Jain students. The vidyalaya also offers a number of full and partial loan scholarships to needy Jain students. The vidyalaya started a dormitory for Jain girls in Ahmedabad, Gujarat with a capacity of 60~80 girls. Capacity is expanded to 171 now. Also, dormitories for girls are establidhed in Pune and Vallabh Vidyanagar.

This is the main objective of started jain hostl.
  1. Promote the cause of professional education in the Jain community.
  2. Support Shri Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya and other non-profit institutes promoting the cause of education in the Jain community.
  3. Provide social, cultural & religious support to its members.
                                                                                                         -Kripen Mehta


I belong to the Jainism religion and share information about my  religion.Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that emphasizes non-violence and the ascetic life. It began in the sixth century BCE, the same time Buddhism was developing. It was a time and place of religious renewal, in which several groups reacted against the formalized rituals and hierarchical organization of traditional Hinduism. 


" If you kill someone,it is yourself you kill. if you overpower someone,it is yourself you overpower.
if you torment some one, it is yourself you torment."

Jains derive their name from the jinas, spiritual conquerors who have achieved liberation and perfection. Included among these are the 24 spiritual leaders called "ford-makers" or tirthankaras. The last of the tirthankaras was Mahavira (599-527 BC), a contemporary of the Buddha and the man generally considered the founder of Jainism.

24 tirthankars

1:Bhagwan Rishabha (Adinath) ji      2:Bhagwan Ajitnath Ji

3:Bhagwan Sambhav Nath Ji             4:Bhagwan Abhinandan-Nath Ji

5:Bhagwan Sumatinath Ji                   6:Bhagwan Padmaprabha Ji

7:Bhagwan Suparshvanath Ji           8:Bhagwan Chandra-Prabha Ji

9:Bhagwan Pushpadanta Ji              10:Bhagwan Shitalnath Ji

11:Bhagwan Shreyamsanath Ji       12:Bhagwan Vasupujya Ji

13:Bhagwan Vimalnath Ji                  14:Bhagwan Anantanath Ji

15:Bhagwan Dharmanath Ji             16:Bhagwan Shantinath Ji

17:Bhagwan Kunthunath Ji             18:Bhagwan Aranath Ji

19:Bhagwan Malinath Ji                   20:Bhagwan Munisuvrata Ji

21:Bhagwan Naminath Ji                22:Bhagwan Neminath Ji

23:Bhagwan Parshvanath Ji          24:Bhagwan Mahavira Ji

Jinas are believed to reside in the top level of heaven, above the realm of the gods. Accordingly, liberated souls are revered more than the gods.
Jainism incorporates the traditional Hindu concepts of karma and reincarnation, but rejects the Veda scriptures, castes and the idea of a creator god. The goal of life is to reach liberation by a life of purification and discipline as taught by the tirthankaras.
Like the Buddha, Mahavira was born into the warrior class. At the age of 30, he renounced the world to seek spiritual truth in ascetic solitude. He found enlightenment after 13 years of renunciation, and soon made 11 converts. All were former Brahmans and became disciples of Mahavira. Mahavira is said to have fasted to death (a practice called salekhana) at Pavapure (near modern Patna).
Load Mahvir's preaching was orally complied by this disciples into many texts. This knowledge was orally transferred from acharyas(gurus) to the discipls over the cours of about 1000 years. in olden times, monks strictly followed the five great vows of jainism. Even religion scriptures were considered possessions and therefore knowledge of the religion was never document.
Around 500 A.D.  which was 1000 years after Load Mahavir's nirvana(death),jain acharyas realized that it was extremely difficult to keep memorizing the entire jain literture complied by the many scholars of the past and present.A 1000 years later(1500 A.D.), the Swetambar sect divided into 3 subsects known as Swetambar Murtipujak, Sthanakvasi and terapanthi.
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