Wednesday 26 February 2014


Shramana Bhagwan Mahaveer was the last Tirthankar in the Avasarpini phase.Bhagwan Mahaveer was born in the royal family in Monday the 13th day of the Shukla -the bright fortnight of Chaitra according to the Indian Calendar that is on the 30th of March 599 B. C.
 He was born as Vardhman Kumar to King Siddhartha and Queen Trishala. When he was 30 years of age, he renounced his worldly life and assumed the life of Sädhanä or spiritual endeavour on Mondav the 10th day of Krishna Paksha the black fortnight of Kartik according to the Indian Calendar that is on 19th December 569 B.C. He performed a severe and austere penance for twelve and a half years and then on Sunday, the 10th day of Shukla of Vaishäkh that is 13th April 558 B.C., he attained Kevaljnan or absolute enlightenment. He preached his first message on the 11th day of Shukla Paksha of Vaishakh and showed the multidimensional path for the attainment of selfpurification and selfperfection. The same path shown by him is followed today. On Tuesday, the new Moon day in Kartik, i.e , on the 15th October 528 B.C. Lord Mahavir attained salvation, Moksha and his life ended with his attainment of absolute deliverance.
Lord Mahavira is often credited with the advent of jainism in india.Howevr,  jainism existed even before Lord Mahaveer was born.He is suppoed to be the twenty-four Tirthankar according to the jain philosophy.A Tirthankar is an enlightened soul who is bornas ahuman being and attains perfection through intense meditation.gor a jain,Lord Mahaveer is no less than god and this philosophy is like the Bible.Born as vardhamana Mahaveer,he latr to be known as Bhagwan Mahaveer.
For twelve year, he deeply meditated in order to overcome his desires and cravings. He succeeded in going without food for days together.he was bitten by a deadly snake still he did not develop and kind of hatred for the snake and kept meditating.after twelve yea,he attained divine knowledge and self-realization. His perception about everything was crystal clear nd he paved the ay for spiritual for future monks.The attainment of this spiritual knowledge was known as keval-jnana.
When Vardhman Mahavir was 28. his parents he was free to leave the palace,bt his brother nandivardhan asked hin not to leave suddenly ans requested to stay with hm for some more respect elder brother Nandivardhan, Vardhman Mahaveer decided to stay with Nandivardhan until the age of 30. in those two year. Vardhman Mahaveer practiced self-discipline and practiced almost an ascetic's life.
For Vardhman Mahaveer the final gol od life for everybody was to reach nirvana(Moksh)  or salvation. Nirvana was nothing but braking the cycle of birth, life and death. Vardhman Nrahaveer attained nirvana at the dawn of a no moon day at pavapuri in Bihar when he was 72 year old(527B.C.). On the same day, his chief disciple Indrabhuti Goutam attained Keval Gyan,i.e. omniscience or ultimate knowledge.
The news of Varhman Mahaveer's nirvan spread all over and chieftains of 14 kingdoms gathered at Pavapuri. They took part in the funeral of Vardhman Mahaveer, as this was not an occasion of sorrow of joy as now Vardhman Mahaveer was free from birth and death. the kings decided to celebrate this day every year as a jain festival of lights.which is celebrated even today in all over india.
                                                                                                            -kripen mehta

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