Friday 28 February 2014


Bhagwan Padmaprabhu was 6th Tirthankar of present age and born in Kaushambi, on 12 day of dark half of the month. Father name was King Dhar and Mother name was Susima. Agter lonf time span in life he took diksha on 13th day of dark half of te month with 1000 men's. After span 6 month of diksha Lord Pandmaprabhu attained kevalgyan on the full moon 15 day of the month. Bhagwan Pradmaprabhu lived 30 lakh purv and height of the Bhagwan Pradmaprabhu was 250 measure of blow.  Maharaj Aparajit ruled over Susima town in the Purvavideh area. H was a simple person. He got detached after listening to the discourse of an Arhat and took Diksha from Acharya Pihitashrava. As a result of long practices he earned Tirthankar nama gotra karma. When the Bhagwan Pradmaprabhu was born he look like lotus flowers. So, the king named him as Padmaprabhu.                                                                          -Kripen mehta

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